Related article: two miles, and no weight less than
list. Where Can I Buy Lithium Orotate 71b. That no horse that
has run under N.H, Rules shall
be eligible to run, Buy Lithium Carbonate Online and that no
horse that has won Lithium Carbonate 600 Mg under the
Rules of Racing shall be eligible
to run. That Lithium Generic Name a strict record shall
be kept of every Ci^oss-Country
Meeting and duly published, and
that a certified programme of
each meeting shall be sent to the
keeper of such record at least
fourteen days before such meet-
ing, and shall be evidence (as the
Racing Calendar is) of the condi-
tions of each race. That in the
event of the decision of the
stewards of any cross - country
meeting being impugned, the
question in dispute shall be forth-
with decided by a Committee of at
least nine members nominated by
the M.F.H.'s Society, of which
three shall retire every third year,
and which Committee shall draw
out all the rules regulating such Where To Buy Lithium Orotate
meetings. In case that it might
turn out that a horse running in
cross - country meetings is of a
promising description, I would Lithium 10 Mg
venture to throw out the idea that
on payment of a fine of — say ;^5o,
he should become eligible to run
under the N.H. Rules. The N.H.
Committee is none too rich, and
by this means a modus vivendi
might be Lithium 1200 Mg established between
cross-country Lithium Carbonate 450 Mg sports and the regu-
lar steeplechasing, and I do not
for a moment believe that the one
sport would seriously interfere
with the other. There is plenty
of room for both. It must not be
forgotten that Lithium 200 Mg the conditions of a
race bring together the different
classes of horses, more than the
class of course to be run over;
and, from what I have seen of
point-to-point races, I believe that
there is more ** follow my leader '*
in these races, where there are no
flags, than in a regular flagged
course. After the first race, they
all raqe through gaps which ought
to be mended after each race.
And now, sir, I come to the
point Lithium 100 Mg of my reason for addressing
you personally. Who is so weU
fitted to be the keeper of the
record to which I have alluded as
you are ? All hunting men would
recognise your fitness for this
position, and you would publish
the record as an appendix to the
Magazine. In the early days of
the Magazine, the Generic Name For Lithium late Mr. Baily
used to publish a racing record
before it was taken up by Ruff.
Of course there would Lithium 5 Mg have
to be fees paid by the Com-
mittee of the Cross - Country
Meetings to meet the expenses
of these records. By j^our
aid the nucleus of management
might be speedily set in motion,
and I feel sure that Lithium Chloride Price genuine sport
will be permanently established.
Looking at the fact that there are
at least one hundred and fift}' packs
throughout the country, it is fair
to calculate that at least fifty of
these would patronise Cross-
country Meetings between the
middle of October and the middle
of May, the exact dates to be
fixed by the Cross- Country Com-
No doubt many other practical
suggestions will be forthcoming,
which will aid the accomplish-
ment Lithium Er 450 Mg of what we have in view.
Everything must have a begin-
ning, and I have, therefore, been
bold enough to launch my ideas
in a crude way, with the hope of
enlisting your valuable aid to-
wards bringing about a successful
issue. Lithium 150 Mg
I am, Sir,
Yours obediently,
The Nimrod Club,
Dec. 5th, 1899.
P.S. — Since writing you the
N.H. Committee have published
their decision adhering to their
already published proposals. At
the moment when it is being
agitated that no race or steeple-
chase meeting should be allowed
to be held without proper police
protection, the N.H. Committee
are expressly providing that the
hunting men and woTien sha'l be
obliged to do without it. Whit
remains to us but vi ei armis ? — B.
"Our Van.'
Derby Buy Lithium Chloride HoTember Meeting.— The
Derbyshire hills and dales were
hung with curtains of mist, and
although the county town of
Derby is Lithium Stocks To Buy not able to boast of pic-
turesque surroundings, it was
scarcely to be expected that it
would Lithium Carb 300 Mg escape the visitation. One
needs some compensation for
having to stay in so dreary a
wilderness of bricks and mortar ;
and where the intelligent section
of Derby's population go for their
amusement I have not yet dis-
covered. I fancy they have to do
without it. The feature of the
autumn meeting is the size of the
fields, and Lithium Orotate Buy the first day, by com-
parison with the corresponding
day of last year, promised the
eclipsing of previous records,
ninety - three horses starting
against seventy-seven in 1898,
the card being precisely the same
on each occasion. As many as
twenty-eight ran for the Chester-
field Nursery ; but Mr. Ford tells
me that this is not a record for
Derby, thirty-three having started
some years ago. The straight
coarse is one of the few in the
coimtry that can accommodate
these huge fields. Last year the
phenomenal day was the third,
twenty or more starting for each
of the first four races, the aggre-
gate of runners for the four being Buy Lithium Orotate
eighty-seven, and for the day 103.
This year no true comparison
could be struck. On the first
two days 169 started s^ainst 163
in 1898 ; but fog upset matters on
the last day. It was thick enou:^b
to render racing doubtful, but fjr-
tunately the first four events were
on the straight course. Wnen
the time came to begin there was
no starter — delayed by fog. A
reflection that occurs to one is.
When there is fog, start eanier.
Substitute starters are rarely a
success, nor is it reasonable to
expect that they should be, for it
is a game at which one can
scarcely have too much practice.
Nothing could be seen of the
racing, and when the fourth race
was finished, Mr. Coventry and a
steward inspected the course,